First, there is a garden…

…then there is no garden. Then there is.

Donovan Leech sang it best, and the rest was up to our interpretation.

First, there was a garden. Poetic Bloomings was and had become the “Best garden for verse.” Our membership ebbed and peaked at various times, but the quality of poems from our talented poets just grew and grew, and expanded our poetic universe in the process. The Poetic Bloomings “garden” had become a great place to play poet!

Then, there was no garden. The attempt was made to include all types of creative pursuits, and Poetic Bloomings became Creative Blooming. The place was changing and the old adage of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” came back to slap us in the head. It withered on the vine.

The next revamp brought a little of the old flair back to life as the Phoenix Rising Poetry Guild rose from the ashes of a garden left bare. But eventually, the blog bearing that name (although the Guild remains an integral part of our process) lost altitude and was put to rest.

Then there was a garden.

Poetic Bloomings had been reborn and was gaining a new momentum. But life has a way of changing plans and for personal reasons, the “garden” again was left unattended. Indecision played no part in any of the failings. They were definite decisions due to Marie Elena Good’s ever-changing life situations, my health problems and a combined family turbulence. Life has settled down and I find the need to return to my favorite “lifestyle” choice. I am returning to “poet” status.

Then, there IS a garden.

We are all merely gnomes in the garden of life and we enjoy writing poems. So our “garden” is resurrected as the proper place to propagate our poetic processes. This is Poems of Garden Gnomes, the new “Best garden for verse!”

I invite poetic friends seasoned and new to visit and walk along this garden path where words are our road map and poetry is our itinerary. Welcome to Poems of Garden Gnomes. You may like what you see!


26 thoughts on “First, there is a garden…

    1. Hi Salvatore! Good to see you my friend. No gnomes to fear here, and I’ll be glad to introduce everyone as often as you need. It won’t be all gnomes, all the time. It’s just a jumping off point. But it’s so good to have you! Walt.


  1. How great to be reading this the eve of the eclipse, which our Native sisters and brothers look upon as a time of transformation and change! I think in my old age, I am beginning to look more Gnome-like and you know I love writing poetry, so I am thrilled that this blog has been resurrected. Looking forward to more!

    Liked by 2 people

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